Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to School

Hi All,

For those of you still following Dominic's recovery, we've been in the process of trying to find a program suited to help get him up to speed with his academics so he can eventually transition back into Charter School with his old friends and classmates. It was very difficult at first. The classes we visited early on were structured for severely impaired children. Many of the kids were unable to communicate verbally and were confined to wheelchairs. It was a sobering reminder of just how lucky Dominic is to be walking and talking so soon after his accident.

Ultimately, we felt this was not the proper environment for Dominic. While he is physically impaired to a degree, his mind is clear. His speech is still a bit labored, but he has no problem communicating his thoughts and feelings. We're finding that Dominic is just as sharp as he ever was (and that's pretty sharp). However, he's still contending with some of the same academic obstacles he was attempting to overcome prior to his accident.

Yesterday, Kim and Grandma Loperena visited a class that seemed like a much better fit. Dominic even made a couple of new friends during his visit. He will likely be attending this class for a 30 day evaluation period. After which we will decide whether this program is "the one" for him.

Wish him/us luck!


David Loperena & Family

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